Artifactory Pro Crack

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The plugin integrates Jenkins and Artifactory to publish, resolve, promote and release traceable build artifacts. For more information, including the release notes, please visit the JFrog Artifactory Plugin documentation

How to Contribute

JFrog welcomes community contribution through pull requests.


The plugin code is stored in two github repositories: and

Please make sure to submit pull requests to only.

How to build the plugin code

To build the plugin, please use Maven 3.6.1 or above, with JDK 8, and run:


Unit tests

To run unit tests execute the following command:

Integration tests

Running integration tests

Before running the integration tests, set the following environment variables.

JENKINS_ARTIFACTORY_DOCKER_HOST - Optional address of the docker daemon (For example, tcp://
JENKINS_PIP_ENV_INIT - Optional command to activate pip virtual-environment for tests execution (For example, source /Users/user/jenkins-venv/bin/activate)
MAVEN_HOME - The local maven installation path.
GRADLE_HOME - The local gradle installation path).

To disable build scan with Xray integration tests, set JENKINS_XRAY_TEST_ENABLE to false.

Run the integration tests.

Integration tests results and progress

The tests results are printed to the console (standard output) when the tests finish. Since JUnit however does not indicate which tests are currently running, a file named tests.log is created in the current directory, which logs the tests progress.

Hi Rinat,
It is always a safe practice to do a complete system export before starting your upgrade. If at any time you decide to roll back to your current version, you can use the export to reproduce your current system in its entirety.
To upgrade Artifactory that is running as a WAR in a Servlet Container:
Stop the Artifactory before starting the upgrade process
  1. Replace the previously deployed artifactory.war file with the webapps/artifactory.war file found in the Artifactory distribution archive. On servlet containers such as Tomcat it is also necessary to remove the expanded artifactory webapp directory.
  2. To make sure your previous version of Artifactory is really removed, we also recommend removing your Tomcat work and temp directories present under $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/
Start the Artifactory once you have completed the above steps.

Artifactory Support

The following link has the dockerfile for Artifactory Pro 3.6.0

On Wed, 15 Apr at 5:53 PM , Rinat Shigapov <[hidden email]> wrote: Hi!
I am trying to run Artifactory Pro version. Currently it is running in OSS.
Steps I' ve done:
Artifactory pro license crack
* Extracted artifactory.war from zip archive

FROM mattgruter/artifactory
COPY artifactory.lic /artifactory/etc/artifactory.lic
* put license key to artifactory.lic
After I run docker container with artifactory I see that it is running in OSS mode. I don't see a page where I can configure license
With kind regards, Rinat Shigapov


Artifactory Pro Software

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Artifactory Pro License

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Artifactory Pro Crack