History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947

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History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 Wikipedia

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Pakistan traces its history back to 2,500 years B.C., when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus Valley. Excavations at Harrappa, Moenjodaro, Kot Diji and Mehr Garh have brought to light, the evidence of an advanced civilization existing even in more ancient times. Around 1,500 B.C., the Aryans overwhelmed this region and influenced the Hindu civilization, whose centre moved to Ganges valley, further east. Later, the Persians occupied the northern region in the 5th century B.C. up to the 2nd century AD. The Greeks came in 327 B.C., under Alexander of Macedonia, and passed away like a meteor. In 712 AD, the Arabs, led by Muhammad Bin Qasim, landed somewhere near modern Karachi and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for 200 years. During this time, Islam took roots in the soil and influenced the life, culture and traditions of the people.

In the 10th century AD, began the systematic conquest of South Asia by the Muslims from Central Asia, who ruled here up to the 18th century. Then the British came and ruled for nearly 100 years over what is Pakistan now.

Independence Movement

The Muslim revival began towards the end of the last century when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a renowned Muslim leader and educationist, launched a movement for intellectual renaissance of the Muslims of South Asia. In 1930, the well-known poet-philosopher, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, conceived the idea of a separate state for the Muslims of South Asia. In 1940, a resolution was adopted by the All-India Muslim League, demanding a separate independent home land for the Muslims. After 07 years of un-tiring struggle under the brilliant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam (the great leader) Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan emerged on the world map as a sovereign state, on 14th August, 1947.


This is the summary of important historical events of the subcontinent.

Ancient Empires
3000-1500 B.C. Harappan culture in the Indus Valley and elsewhere

500-500 B.C.Migrations of Aryan-speaking tribes; the Vedic Age
550-486 B.C.Life of Gautama Buddha, founding of Buddhism
320-180 B.C.Mauryan Empire; Asoka most famous emperor; spread of Buddhism
180 B.C - 150 A.D.Saka dynasties in Indus Valley and northwest
78-200 A.D. Kushan Empire; Gandharan art flourishes
300-700 A.D Gupta Empire; Classical Age in northern India

Coming of Islam
711Arab Muslims in Sindh

998-1030 Mahmud of Ghazni raids into the subcontinent from Afghanistan
1192 Muhammad of Ghor defeats Rajputs
1206 Establishment of Delhi Sultanate
1398 Destruction of Delhi by Timur

Mughal Period
1526 Babur victorious in first Battle of Paniput

1530-1556 Wars of succession
1556 Akbar victorious in second Battle of Paniput
1556-1605 Reign of Akbar the Great
1605-1627 Reign of Jahangir; in 1612 East India Company opens first trading center
1628-1658 Reign of Shah Jahan
1658-1707 Reign of Aurangzeb
1761 Third Battle of Panipat; an Afghan victory over a Maratha army
1707-1858 Decline of the Mughal Empire

British India

Battle of Plassey - British victory over Mughal forces in Bengal; conventional date for beginning of

British rule in India
1784 William Pitt's India Act
1799-1839 Sikh kingdom in the Punjab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh
1830s Institution of British education and other reform measures
1838-1842 First Afghan war
1843 British annex Sindh, Hyderabad and Khairpur
1845-49 Sikh Wars; British annex the Punjab and sell Kashmir, Gilgit, and Ladakh 'Package,' known as Kashmir

1857-1858 Uprising, variously known as the first war of independence, the Mutiny,and the Sepoy Rebellion
1858 British Raj begins
1878-1880 Second Afghan War
1885 Indian National Congress formed
1893 Durand Line established as boundary between Afghanistan and British India
1905 Partition of Bengal
1906 All-India Muslim League founded
1911 Partition of Bengal annulled
1919 Montague-Chelmsford Reforms; Third Afghan War
1935 Government of India Act of 1935
March 23, 1940 Muslim League adopts Pakistan Resolution

August 14, 1947
Partition and independence; Mohammad Ali Jinnah becomes Governor General; Liaqath Ali Khan becomes Prime Minister

September 11, 1948 Jinnah dies; Khwaja Nazimuddin becomes Governor General
October 1951Liaqath Ali Khan assassinated; Ghulam Mohammad becomes Governor General
August 1955 Ghulam Mohammad dies; succeeded by Iskander Mirza
October 1955 One Unit established, incorporating the four provinces of West Pakistan
March 23, 1956 Constitution adopted; Mirza becomes President
October 7, 1958 President Mirza abrogates constitution, declares martial law
October 27, 1958 Mirza sent into exile; General Mohammad Ayub Khan begins rule
September 1965 War with India over KASHMIR ISSUE.
March 25, 1969 Ayub resigns as result of public pressure; General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan assumes power.
July 1, 1970 One unit abolished, four provinces reestablished in West Pakistan
December 1970 First general elections; Awami League secures majority in East Pakistan & People’s Party in West Pakistan.
March 25, 1971 East Pakistan attempts to secede; civil war begins
December 1971 Indo-Pakistani War; East Pakistan becomes the independent state of Bangladesh; Yahya resigns; President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto takes charge as the Civilian Martial Law Administrator.
July 2, 1972 Bhutto and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi conclude Simla Agreement
August 14, 1973 New Constitution goes into effect with Bhutto as Prime Minister
February 22-25, 1974 Islam Summit Conference held in Lahore
March 1977 General elections; massive victory by Bhutto's party evokes widespread rioting and protest
July 5, 1977 Martial law proclaimed
September 1978 Mohammad Zia ul Haq becomes President
April 4, 1979 Bhutto hanged
March 4, 1981 Provisional Constitutional Order, which in effect suspended 1973 Constitution
August 12, 1983 President Zia announces that martial law will be lifted in 1985, (Martial Law under General Zia-ul-Haq 1977-1985)
Referendum 1984
February 1985 General Elections
Islamization Under General Zia-ul-Haq
The Afghan War Settlement
[1985-88] Muhammad Khan Junejo Becomes Prime Minister
[1985] Historic 8th Amendment is passed
[1988] Death of General Zia-ul-Haq
[1988] Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister
[1988] Ghulam Ishaq Khan Becomes President
[1990] Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
[1990] Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister
[1993] Balakh Sher Mazari Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
[1993] Moin Qureshi Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
[1993] Benazir Bhutto Becomes Prime Minister
[1993] Sardar Farooq Legahri Becomes President
[1996] Malik Meraj Khalid Becomes Caretaker Prime Minister
[1997] Nawaz Sharif Becomes Prime Minister
[1997] Thirteenth Amendment is Passed
[1997] Fourteenth Amendment is Passed
[1998] Muhammad Rafiq Tarar Elected as President
[1998] Pakistan: A Nuclear Power
[1999] The Lahore Declaration
[1999] The Kargil Offensive
[1999] Military Comes to Power Again
[June, 2001] Pervez Musharraf becomes President
[2001] Agra Summit
[2001] Local Government System
[2001] September Eleven and Its Aftermath
Referendum 2002
Legal Framework Order 2002
General Elections 2002
[2002] Zafarullah Khan Jamali Becomes Prime Minister: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali was elected the 20th Prime Minister of Pakistan by the newly elected Parliament on November 21, 2002. President General Pervez Musharraf administered the oath to the new Prime Minster at the Aiwan-i-Sadr on November 23. He now heads Pakistan's first civilian government after three years of military rule of General Pervez Musharraf.

In January 2004 Musharraf sought and received an unprecedented vote of confidence from a parliamentary electoral college. In August Shaukat Aziz, a former banker and minister of finance, took the premiership. Musharraf, however, clearly continued to hold the reins of power, and despite repeated promises to return the country to full civilian authority, he announced at the end of the year that the country was too fragile for him to comply with his own deadlines. This applied also to the president’s refusal to step down as head of the armed forces, despite repeated demands by political opponents that he do so. On the other side of the political spectrum, Musharraf had to contend with constant attacks from the MMA, who accused him of seeking to secularize Pakistan. The country continued to be subject to increasing incidents of sectarian violence, including suicide bombings at mosques and other public places. Adding to this human-generated calamity, Pakistan suffered a devastating earthquake in October 2005 in the Kashmir region that killed tens of thousands of people and left hundreds of thousands homeless.
In early 2007 Musharraf began seeking reelection to the presidency. However, because he remained head of the military, opposition parties and then the Pakistan Supreme Court objected on constitutional grounds. In March Musharraf dismissed Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, which sparked a general strike of Pakistani lawyers and outbreaks of violent protest in various parts of the country; the Supreme Court overturned the dismissal in July, and Chaudhry was reinstated. In October an electoral college consisting of the parliament and four provincial legislatures voted to give Musharraf another five-year term, although opposition members refused to participate in the proceedings. After the Supreme Court delayed the pronouncement of this outcome (in order to review its constitutionality), Musharraf declared a state of emergency in early November. The constitution was once again suspended, members of the Supreme Court (including Chaudhry) were dismissed, and the activities of independent news media organizations were curtailed. Later in the month, the Supreme Court, reconstituted with Musharraf appointees, upheld his reelection; Musharraf subsequently resigned his military commission and was sworn into the presidency as a civilian.
In the fall of 2007 Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto—who had also been living in exile—were permitted to return to Pakistan, and each began campaigning for upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for early January 2008. At the end of December, however, Bhutto was assassinated at a political rally in Rawalpindi, an act that stunned Pakistanis and set off riots and rampages in different parts of the country. Musharraf, having only just lifted the state of emergency, had to again place the armed forces on special alert, and he was forced to postpone the election until mid-February.
The outcome of the voting was seen as a rejection of Musharraf and his rule; his PML-Q party finished a distant third behind the PPP (now led by Asif Ali Zardari, Bhutto’s widower), which captured about one-third of the parliamentary seats up for election, and Sharif’s party, the PML-N, with about one-fourth of the seats. In March the PPP and PML-N formed a coalition government. Yousaf Raza Gilani, a prominent member of the PPP and a former National Assembly speaker, was elected prime minister.
Disagreements emerged within the governing coalition in the months following its formation, particularly regarding the reinstatement of the Supreme Court judges Musharraf had dismissed late the previous year, and these disputes threatened to destabilize the alliance. Nevertheless, in August 2008 the coalition moved to begin impeachment charges against Musharraf, citing grave constitutional violations; on August 18, faced with the impending proceedings, Musharraf resigned.
Pakistan under Zardari
Conflict within the coalition continued to escalate following Musharraf’s departure. In light of ongoing differences, including disputes over Musharraf’s successor, Sharif subsequently withdrew the PML-N from the governing coalition and indicated that his party would put forth its own candidate in the presidential elections announced for early September; however, neither the PML-N nor the PML-Q candidate won enough support to pose a challenge to Zardari, the PPP’s candidate, and on Sept. 6, 2008, he was elected president.
Friction between Zardari and Sharif intensified in early 2009 when the Supreme Court voted to disqualify Sharif’s brother from his position as chief minister of the Punjab and to uphold a ban prohibiting Sharif himself from holding political office (the ban stemmed from his 2000 conviction for high crimes). Sharif alleged that the court’s rulings were politically motivated and backed by Zardari. In addition, the status of the Supreme Court judges dismissed under Musharraf who had yet to be reinstated—one of the issues that had undermined the Sharif-Zardari coalition—remained a major source of conflict between the two rivals. In March 2009 Sharif broke free of an attempt to place him under house arrest and headed toward the capital, where he planned to hold a rally advocating for the reinstatement of the judges. Faced with this prospect, the government agreed to reinstate Chief Justice Chaudhry and a number of other Supreme Court judges who had not yet been returned to their posts. The move was seen as a political victory for Sharif and a significant concession on the part of Zardari, who is thought to have opposed Chaudhry’s return because of the possibility that the amnesty Zardari had received under Musharraf might be overturned. Shortly thereafter, Sharif’s brother was also returned to his position.
In October 2008 limited trade between the Pakistani- and Indian-administered portions of Kashmir resumed. It was the first such commerce in more than 60 years and signaled improved relations between the two countries.

To be continue...

  • Explore Pakistan all about Pakistan
  • Blog Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (RA)
  • Blog Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA)

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History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 Book

Before partition in 1947, the Indian subcontinent includes Pakistan, India. The history of Indian subcontinent starts with the Indus Valley Civilization and the. The oldest book in any Indo-European language and contains the earliest form. History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf Free. History of subcontinent from 712 to 1947, history of subcontinent from 712 to 1947 in urdu pdf download, history of subcontinent from 712 to 1947 in urdu pdf, history of subcontinent from 712 to 1947. First published in Urdu in. The fertile land of.712 1857 - TheAllPapers712-1857 (Excluding arrival. 1947 Arrival of European nations-decline and fall of Muslim Rule,. A History of India Kulke, Hermann & Rothermond, Dietmar. 15.History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1857 Pdf Download.History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1857 Pdf.

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History Of Indian Subcontinent

Muslim Rule in India 712-1857 - Free download as Powerpoint ... Married his Daughter Zubaida Foundation of Islamic Rule in Subcontinent .... Advent of Islam in the Sub-Continent the last Prophet of Islam, Prophet ... Prehistoric – The Year 1206 · 1905 – 1940 · 1940 –. 1947 · 1947 – 1958 · 1958 – .. Idāre Catalog Record Only Cover title: # In Urdu. ... Only Historical study of hockey games in Indo-Pak Sub-continent; ... Taḥrīk-i Pākistān men̲ Muslim ṣaḥāfat kā kirdār, 1930 tā 1947 / Catalog Record Only In Urdu.. This booklet covers the period from 712 to the creation of Pakistan 1947. Download this booklet free from The CSS Point. Format: PDF. Size: 1.28 MB.. History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf Free ->->->-> http://bltlly.com/12b6o8.. History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf Download http://geags.com/1ah26j 4ba26513c0 ... An ebook on Ahmad Shah Abdali .. 1947, 'Pakistan' moved from being an idea to an ideal and became a reality on the world ... eventually grant the subcontinent free and equal partnership in the.. connections, are a reminder that historical cultural and political regions do not map ... books as the founding date of Muslim rule on the Indian Subcontinent, but Mu ... The cultivation of the language of Dakhni Urdu was one of the major cultural ... were free to practice their religious rituals in British territories (Masud 2000).. The East India Company || 400 Years: Britain & India || Episode 1 Subcontinent History | Short Documentary Video Source: 400 Years. 40. 2. Early Arabs, Turks .... The history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan began on 14 August 1947 when the country ... In a 1948 speech, Jinnah declared that 'Urdu alone would be the state ... to the private sector to open new media outlets, free from government influence. ... Court of Inquiry to Enquire into the Punjab Disturbances of 1953 (PDF).
PDF | Muslim presence was manifest in the coastal regions of Southern ... Arshad Islam is Associate Professor in the Department of History and ... the region by the end of 712, whereupon Sind became an Umayyad ... free reign to his Hindu tribesmen to offend and malign Islam (Barani, ... Surti, Trans-Urdu).. Generally, an eBook can be downloaded in five minutes or less . ... Ebooks, Fantasy, Fiction, Graphic Novels, Historical Fiction, History, Horror, Humor And Comedy, . ... Muslim Rule In Sub-Continent • Conquest of Sindh ---- -------in 712 ... The Birtish Raj (1857—1947 AD) • East India Company in 1600 AD.. The history of Pakistan encompasses the region of the Indus Valley, which spans the western expanse of the Indian subcontinent and the eastern ... For the history of Pakistan after 1947, see History of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. ... Now firmly under Macedonian rule, Alexander was free to turn his attention to the Indus .... History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf 105 ... Hindu Muslim Confrontation 712 1947 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text ... Sir Sayyid .... A Short History of Pakistan and India in Urdu Page-1. The short history starts from Muhammad bin Qasim (Arabs in Indo-Pakistan subcontinent) to the War of .... Before partition in 1947, the Indian subcontinent includes Pakistan, India and ... The history of Indian subcontinent starts with the Indus Valley Civilization and the ... the oldest book in any Indo-European language and contains the earliest form .... History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf Free ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) …. History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf Free ->>> http://bltlly.com/13xet9.. among the various episodes in history, delinking them from each other. ... conquest of 93/712 was a part of the military expeditions in the north-western ... 27 Tara Chand, Influence of Islam on Indian Culture (Lahore: Book Traders, 1979), 30. ... Indian Subcontinent, since they were given free hand in running the affairs of.. TORRENT TO TRICKLE: INDIAN MUSLIM MIGRATION TO PAKISTAN,.... Download: History Of Subcontinent From 712 To 1947 In Urdu Pdf ..