Small Stata Download


Versions Provided. For each experimental run we provide the following derivative versions: Original ROS.bag file; files listing the message summary of each bag file. Software Registration. Please fill out the form below. We will use your contact information to track interest in and use of these programs as well as to keep you better informed of software updates and system outages. Stata/MP, Stata/SE, and Stata/IC all run on any machine, but Stata/MP runs faster. You can purchase a Stata/MP license for up to the number of cores on your machine (maximum is 64). For example, if your machine has eight cores, you can purchase a Stata/MP license for eight cores, four cores, or two cores. Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata is not sold in pieces, which means you get everything you need in one package.

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Download Stata For Free

StataCorp LP, the maker of Stata software, providesseveral versions designed to suit different needs. For a fullcomparison of features and requirements between Stata/MP, Stata/SE,Stata/IC, and Small Stata, see WhichStata is right for me? on the StataCorp LP web site.

Small Stata Download

At Indiana University, Stata/SE is available on your personalworkstation via IUanyWare. Stata/SE is also available inall Windows Student Technology Centers (STCs) at IUBloomington and IUPUI. Stata/SE and Stata/MP are available on theQuarry Unix cluster.

Stata Software For Free


For more about Stata, see the StataCorp LP Stata resources & supportpage. For information about Stata at IU, see the ResearchAnalyticsStatapage.

Small Stata 13 Free Download


If you have questions about using statistical and mathematical software at Indiana University, contact the UITS Research Applications and Deep Learning team.